Telecoms Best Value Group


The NPAG Telecoms Best Value Group is a unique group which brings together NHS Telecoms professionals, industry experts and service providers, and allows members to evaluate new technology, share best practice and influence service providers to secure best value solutions to telecommunication services across the NHS estate. The group offers peer to peer support to solve complex technical problems within member Trusts. 

The group holds quarterly meetings at a Central London location. Two or three service providers present at each meeting on topical issues or products relating to current challenges relevant to members business needs.

Please click here to download the 2024-25 Telecoms BVG information flyer.

Meet the Facilitator

John Wigmore

Facilitator for the NPAG Telecoms Best Value Group

Email facilitator

Annual Reports

Meeting Information

  • Meeting 1 - 10th September 2024, Royal National Hotel, London
  • Meeting 2 - 10th December 2024, central London venue
  • Meeting 3 - 11th March 2025, central London venue
  • Meeting 4 - 10th June 2025, central London venue
Meeting Dates

Become a member

Best Value Group Membership Registration


A VAT invoice will be issued. VAT Registration No. 654 9195 01. VAT applies to any NHS organisation outside England and to any non-NHS organisation.

Payment is due on receipt of invoice. DO NOT send payment in advance of receipt of invoice. When invoice is received, payment should be made to ‘East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust.’

ALL cancellations must be in writing. Cancellations received within 14 working days of receipt of the registration form will receive a full refund. After this date refunds cannot be made. A substitute is acceptable. NPAG cannot be held responsible for any travel expenses or accommodation costs in the event of a cancellation or postponement of a meeting, workshop or an event.

A 25% discount will be applied when an existing NPAG member joins an additional Group. This does not apply to the £300 second member rate. As a registered contact you will receive our monthly NPAG Newsletter.

By submitting this registration form, you adhere to the terms and conditions set out by NPAG. Please click here for our full terms and conditions:

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