Clinical Engineering Conference

17th September 2024

Radisson Blu Stansted Hotel

Join us for a day of learning, networking, new ideas and inspiration at the NPAG Clinical Engineering Conference.

This, the 15th annual conference, is a must-attend event for all  in senior roles within Clinical Engineering. 

The day provides new insights into the rapidly evolving  technologies that are transforming the profession, patient  care and the buildings from which we deliver our services. 

Under the theme ‘The Connected Future - Integrated by  Design’ we will hear from speakers on a range of topics,  from buildings, standards and infrastructure design to AV  end device integration. We will explore how connectivity can  improve patient care as well as the security risk that it can  present. Finally, we will consider how this can make the Clinical  Engineering environment more productive. 

Why attend?

 Leaders and Project Managers make constant  demands on Clinical Engineering Managers. It is essential to  keep our knowledge of the markets, standards and likely  future developments refreshed and current. The day will bring  together leaders in the field to share knowledge, experience  and expertise in this fast moving and developing area of  healthcare.

Presentations include:

  • Projects & Infrastructure, Design & Standards,  Starkstrom 
  • Integrated Theatres and Procedure Rooms,  Technology, Connectivity, Future Proofing, Arthrex 
  • Integrating Medical Devices to EPR, Mindray
  • SDC and Future of Device Interoperability, Data Analytics in ICU & Theatres, Draeger
  • Developments in Cyber Security and Inventory Management, Cynerio
  • Manufacturers’ Documentation in a Connected Healthcare System, Ergea 
  • Digital Workflow and Efficiency Gains, MediShout

There will be chance too for detailed discussion  with leading manufacturers and suppliers

Book Now

Book online using the button below, or fill in the pdf and post it back to us at the address on the form.

If you have any questions please contact us at:

All delegate places are at the early bird rate of £95 until the 31st July 2024.

I really enjoyed the conference, and found the presentations most informative. Well done to you and your team for all of the hard work, keep it up!

2023 Conference Attendee

I just wanted to give feedback that I received from my colleagues. They enjoyed the event and thought it was a very productive and busy event, resulting in some good leads.

Spacelabs Healthcare - Exhibitor

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