National District Nurses Conference

28th November 2023

A poster for the national district nurses conference 2023

This was a 1 day conference aimed at Community NHS Managers, Integrated Managers, District Nurse Managers, District Nurses and SPQ Students within District Nursing.

There has been so much excellent work done via NHSE with the Community Nursing Plan. Working closely with the QNI and with new standards, our members have also been busy in their work area’s implementing new initiatives. But how does this all morph into practice?

We have seen a lot of initiatives and troubles over the last 3 years. We remain committed to being a collective voice for District Nurses to continue to provide safe, quality patient care, but how did District Nursing get to where we are today? 2020 was the year of the nurse and there were many plans to celebrate but, like so many, they were postponed due to the pandemic. 

This conference honoured that accolade, exploring the past, present, and future of district nursing – from its conception in Liverpool, through the current situation and a look towards what the future holds. How can district nurses continue to have a voice and how can that voice can be stronger in the future?

Community NHS Managers, Integrated Managers, District Nurse Managers, District Nurses and SPQ Students within District Nursing.

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