About Us

Bringing people together, to share best practice and national developments

The National Performance Advisory Group is a national NHS organisation with a difference.

Operating on a self-financing basis, we provide both a cost-effective and quality service to our clients. NPAG has clients from across the UK and from a wide range of NHS organisations. These include Acute, Community, Mental Health, and Ambulance Trusts.

We support NHS and public sector managers in the continuous improvement of their services through Best Value Groups, Conferences and Networking.

We are a trading division of the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust, and we reinvest all our profits into their frontline services to support NHS innovations.

Our in-house team form the NPAG nucleus

Responsible for managing NPAG’s existing product and service portfolio, whilst also driving it forward, the team coordinates our 20-strong selection of Best Value Groups, along with our wide-ranging programme of workshops and our conferences.

As a small team, we rely on our network of trusted NPAG Associates to facilitate, deliver, and chair our meetings, workshops, and events. For more information about our Associates, please contact us at info@npag.eastamb.nhs.uk

Our Team

Meet Our Associates

  • John King

    John joined The National Performance Advisory Group as an Associate Consultant in 1998 after several years in Public Sector Management.  He has also supported NPAG as acting Director and as Associate Business Manager helping to develop many new business opportunities, including a range of risk management, business continuity and resilience services as well as new national groups.

    John has undertaken a number of major consultancy projects with NPAG and independently, including providing project management and consultancy support to a major multi-agency Best Value Review of Community Safety in Essex. The project was commended by the Audit Commission as ‘Best Practice’ when they reviewed the work on completion.

    John is a Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management and former Secretary to the Emergency Planning Society’s Eastern Branch. In 2007 in recognition of his partnership working in Emergency Planning, Essex County Council presented John with a Beacon Partner Award.

    John currently facilitates five national NPAG groups – Car Parking and Sustainable Transport, Energy Network, Health Visiting and School Health Services, IT and Connectivity and NHS Sustainability Leads.

  • Dale Atkins

    Dale is a highly motivated freelance consultant with over 35 years of experience working as a senior health professional in and around the NHS. Dale has gained a wide range of knowledge in the fields of commissioning, health service planning, health management information and service redesign – within both the primary care and the secondary care sectors.   

    Dale is currently an NPAG Business Associate with responsibility for the Resilience Development Network, the Security Network, the Nursing & Temporary Staffing Best Value Group, the Operating Theatre Managers Best Value Group and the Waste Management Best Value Group. Dale has also been involved in a number of other NPAG projects including business reviews, workshop programmes and conference chairing.

    Outside of NPAG, Dale has experience of working in primary care assisting GP practices with service redesign, management information systems, business planning and resilience planning.

  • Lawrence Barker

    Lawrence began his career as a Trainee Medical Physics Technician, with the West Midlands Regional Health Authority. After attachments to the various Departments, including nuclear medicine and radiotherapy, Lawrence was introduced to the Biomedical Engineering Department at Coventry. This quickly became the area in which Lawrence chose to specialise and remained within the Department until completing his first HNC.

    In 1986, Lawrence joined the Medical Engineering Department at Dudley Road Hospital in Birmingham, completing a second HNC, in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Dudley College in 1988. He completed a Master’s degree in Clinical Engineering at Cardiff University in 2003. 

    After several promotions, a Trust Merger and Hospital rename, he became Head of Department in 2012, particularly involved with equipping a new hospital project.

    In 2021 Lawrence returned to Coventry, as Head of Medical Equipment and Bioengineering Services. 

    Lawrence stepped down in September 2023, to devote more time to leisure interests, including travel. He has several part time Biomedical Engineering roles and looks forward to joining University Hospitals of Leicester in 2024.

  • Libby Horridge

    Libby joined as Facilitator to the NPAG Team in June 2018.  She recently retired after 37 years in the NHS, the majority of these have been as a district nurse, from staff nurse to team leader to strategic district nursing lead.  


    She is passionate about District Nursing and has worked on projects to secure a future of highly trained and experienced District Nurses, who are at the forefront of health planning.  


    She took the decision to retire in December 2019 however due to the COVID-19 pandemic she has since re-enlisted and has worked in a local acute hospital as a family support coordinator providing a vital link between patients in hospital and their families whilst restricted visiting is in place. She has recently returned to district nursing to support a local Trust, looking at safer staffing and supporting new leaders. She continues to facilitate and support both the National District Nurses Network for NPAG and The Queens Nursing Institute (QNI). 


    Some of the projects she has been involved in over the years include: 

    • Developing city wide Treatment Room Services  
    • Developing a Band 6 development programme supported by Liverpool University  
    • Reviewing the Being Open process for harm free care. 
    • Recruitment of 75 band 5 nurses, and a continuous recruitment with a robust preceptorship. 
    • Leading the service through change to an Integrated Care system.
    • EPRR planning  
    • She is currently a member of the National Community Nursing Plan Clinical Reference group.

    Her qualifications include:  

    • Specialist Practitioner Qualification in District nursing  
    • V300 Non-Medical Prescribing  
    • Masters Level Teaching Qualification  
    • Elizabeth Garrett Anderson course from The Leadership Academy
    • She is a Queens Nurse.

  • Tony Gent

    Tony has over 35 years’ experience in NHS Operational Estate management. He is currently Deputy Head of Estates for a large Community Trust. He is a Fellow of The Chartered Association of Building Engineers and Fellow of The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management. 

    Tony has a keen interest in organisational and behaviour change. His Trust won the 2016 Healthcare People Management Awards for their entry Courage to Manage Health and Safety.

    In 2013 Tony joined the NPAG as Facilitator to the Estates South Best Value Group. Since then, he has a portfolio of groups that he facilitates which includes the Facilities North and the Facilities South Best Value Groups. 

  • Trevor Garcia

    Trevor retired in June 2019 after 37 years in the NHS in various Decontamination roles at 2 Trusts, and as such he has gained substantial experience within the field. He was also an Associate Director of Clinical Support Services for 2 years where he gained further knowledge of Pathology, Radiology, Outpatients, Cancer Services and Pharmacy. From 2011 to 2018 (end of term of office), he was the Director of Education for the Institute of Decontamination Sciences (IDSc) and led a team with Health Education England developing an apprenticeship programme for decontamination personnel. 

    Since retiring he has been appointed by the National School of Healthcare Science as a lead End Point Assessor, provides consultancy to several organisations, is on the Education and Conference subcommittee of the IDSc, and has just been appointed to the new role of Facilitator by NPAG for the Decontamination group. His main interest is education of the decontamination staff and has been delighted with the standard of the apprentices that have completed their apprenticeship.  

    He was never ready to retire from the field and is now enjoying the variety of roles that are now available. 

Join the Team

Our Networking Group, Workshop and Event portfolios are growing!

We are always keen to hear from professionals who have experience and expertise applicable to the healthcare sector or those who can bring a new skills-set to our organisation.

Interested in joining our team? Please email info@npag.eastamb.nhs.uk

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