Facilities South Best Value Group


The NPAG Facilities South Best Value Group enables NHS Facilities Managers to meet and share new ideas, service innovation, discuss topical issues, measure trust performance, provide cost effective solutions, learn from others creative service redesign and network with likeminded individuals involved in Facilities Management.

The group has been running for over 20 years and has a broad membership from Acute, Community and Mental Health Trusts with members who have a wealth of experience in managing facilities.

The NHS continues to be a demanding and challenging environment to operate in. The recent release of the Darzy report identifies some key issues that directly impact on staff and the facilities function. The demands placed on Facilities managers and all levels is unprecedented. Financial pressures and the expectation of continuous service improvement means there has never been a more important time to network nationally with NHS Facilities colleagues to share their wealth of experience and to use the groups collective knowledge and synergy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your service delivery. The facilities function is seen as a critical enabler to clinical service delivery.

Members of the group continue to demonstrate enthusiasm for seeking out improvements and developments in their services, providing a solid basis upon which to provide the best available care for patients.

Click here to be directed to the 2025 information flyer

Meet the Facilitator

Tony Gent

Deputy Head of Estates

Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust

Tony has over 35 years’ experience in NHS Operational Estate management. He is currently Deputy Head of Estates for a large Community Trust. He is a Fellow of The Chartered Association of Building Engineers and Fellow of The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management. 

Tony has a keen interest in organisational and behaviour change. His Trust won the 2016 Healthcare People Management Awards for their entry Courage to Manage Health and Safety. 

In 2013 Tony joined the NPAG as Facilitator to the Estates South Best Value Group. Since then he has a portfolio of groups that he facilitates which include the newly established Estates North, Facilities North and the Facilities South Best Value Groups.

Email facilitator

Meeting Information

  • Wednesday 5th February 2025
  • Wednesday 14th May 2025
  • Wednesday 13th August 2025
  • Wednesday 12 November 2025
Meeting Dates

Become a member

Best Value Group Membership Registration Form


A VAT invoice will be issued. VAT Registration No. 654 9195 01. VAT applies to any NHS organisation outside England and to any non-NHS organisation.

Payment is due on receipt of invoice. DO NOT send payment in advance of receipt of invoice. When invoice is received, payment should be made to ‘East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust.’

ALL cancellations must be in writing. Cancellations received within 14 working days of receipt of the registration form will receive a full refund. After this date refunds cannot be made. A substitute is acceptable. NPAG cannot be held responsible for any travel expenses or accommodation costs in the event of a cancellation or postponement of a meeting, workshop or an event.

A 25% discount will be applied when an existing NPAG member joins an additional Group. This does not apply to the £295 second member rate. As a registered contact you will receive our monthly NPAG Newsletter.

By submitting this registration form, you adhere to the terms and conditions set out by NPAG. Please click here for our full terms and conditions: https://www.npag.org.uk/terms-and-conditions

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